Visitor #
Trans India Health Services was founded in Feb., 2012 by a team of individuals, medical professionals and consultants committed to the service of patients in dire need of medical attention and with an objective of broadening the geographical reach of India’s health care specialities.

T.I.H.S. is a unique medical treatment and tourism company

  1. For making available for the first time long distance consultancy / treatment services by providing medical opinion to the overseas patients suffering from chronic ailments.
  2. For being capable of entertaining medical reports / observation in English and other internationally recognized languages like Arabic, Persian etc.
  3. With well-established set-up to provide treatment and services through Allopathic and other traditional forms of Indian medicine system i.e. Ayurvedic, Naturopathy, Homeopathic, Acupuncture, Unani etc.
  4. Consultancy / treatment through T.I.H.S. is economical and affordable as the patient may get cured in his / her home- country itself thus saving huge amount of expenditure on Airfare, Hotel-stay, Boarding and expenses on surgery and other incidental expenses.

In keeping with firm belief in the ancient tradition of ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ meaning thereby that the “visiting guest is an incarnation of God” we are committed to make the visiting patient / guest feel at ‘home away from home’ and undertake to personally attend all problems related to their health and lifestyle.

Besides individual cases the Company through its team of experts in various fields can also take up jobs / contracts / assignments offered by the overseas hospitals, Institutes and State Governments to tackle health issues relating to communities / general public at large.

Medical professionals on panel of the Company:-
Dr. Meera Bhatia Rana General Physician and Gynaecologist
Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Consultant General & Laparoscopic Surgery

About Us

Trans India Health Services offer the following medical services to the overseas patients in dire need of specialized treatment:

  1. Providing Specialized medical opinion and advising treatment by E-mail / Post.
  2. Surgical as well as non-surgical treatment services in India:
    1. Heart valve replacement with bypass, Angiography, Angioplasty with or without stent placement.
    2. Orthopaedic surgery i.e. Less invasive knee Replacement / Deformity Correction / Hip replacement & Hip resurfacing / Problems of fractures & arthroscopic procedures.
    3. Facility for physiotherapy in the post surgical period.
    4. Cosmetic Surgery ( Face / Breast / Body ).
    5. aboutus

    6. Treatment for Cancer ( Chemotherapy / Radiation / Surgical ).
    7. Eye-Cataract, Lasik, Glaucoma & Retinal Surgery & E.N.T. problems.
    8. Dental services including Root Canal, Crowns & Bridges, Dentures, Implants etc.
    9. Surgery in Neuro and spine / Cranio-facial.
    10. Hernia repair & Urological Disorders including Gall Bladder & Kidney Stones.
    11. Surgery for Weight-Loss.
    12. Treatment for baldness including hair-transplant.
    13. Transplant for Bone-Marrow / Liver & Kidney.
    14. Treatment / Surgery for all problems related to obstetrics / gynaecology including fibroids & infertility.
    15. Treatment for chronic pulmonary diseases i.e. COPD, Asthma, Cystic fibrosis.
    16. General Surgery.
  3. Visit for overseas patients to world famous tourist places in Delhi / neighbouring cities or any other place in the post discharge recuperative holidays.

Depending upon case to case basis the company shall take care of your treatment / surgery needs as considered necessary. However, if you have any specific choice about hospital or a medical professional, the company shall do its best to provide the same.

Medical professionals on panel of the Company:-
Dr. Vartika Monga MDS  ( Public Health Denstistry )

Service 1

Providing Medical Opinion :

Please inform us by E-mail or by Post the nature of ailment along with scanned copies of all the papers having record of early symptoms / recent clinical observations / diagnosis / local doctor’s opinion together with recent X-ray / C. T. scan / M.R.I. Scan / Echocardiogram / Angiogram / Pathological and other connected reports what- so- ever available with you in respect of treatment taken so far.

After receiving your request, the desired reports / observations and our online professional charges, T.I.H.S. shall advise you medical opinion / treatment to be strictly followed in consultation with attending physicians of your place.

All the papers / reports should preferably be in English. Even if the papers are in a language other than English, T.I.H.S. shall get relevant papers / reports translated into English through our experts knowing foreign languages.

Specialized medical opinion in English shall be sent to you on your personal mail in strict confidence. The company shall advise you opinion / treatment which is Allopathic in nature. On specific request any other branch of traditional medicine viz. Ayurvedic / Naturopathy / Homeopathic / Unani / Acupuncture can also be attended.

Right from initial stage of telephonic interaction, patient’s personal details as per the site, medical reports / observations on patient and subsequently submission of medical opinion and advising treatment by T.I.H.S.- the company is committed to maintain absolute professional secrecy all throughout.

services doctors

Medical professionals on panel of the Company:-
Dr. Vishnu Vasudevan MBBS, MD ( Internal Medicine )

Services 2 & 3

Medical opinion followed by treatment / Surgery in Delhi / National Capital Region :

We hope that after mailing you Specialised medical opinion and advising treatment by mail there might be no need for you to travel all the way to Delhi for further treatment / surgery. Still however after due consideration, you would so opt for treatment in India, T.I.H.S. after receipt of your request alongwith online professional charges shall go ahead with arrangements to receive you in Delhi, ensure your comfortable stay in a hotel and medical attendance, hospitalized treatment and surgery.

Medical opinion + Treatment / Surgery followed by Visit to Tourist places in Delhi / neighbouring cities / or any other place in the post recovery period :

It is likely that subsequent to medical treatment / surgery in Delhi / NCR you may like to visit certain world famous tourist places of your choice in Delhi and neighbouring cities for which too we are always committed with our as best as possible services against online payment of charges.

In case you so desire to go around the tourist places in the post recovery period, what simply is expected of you is to apprise us the places you would like to visit, the number of persons and the number of days you wish to spend on excursion together with details of your shopping requirement, if any

We assure you that our efforts at every step should not leave room for disappointment of any kind and you would love humane approach forthcoming instantaneously which should be our committed motto always



Medical professionals on panel of the Company:-
Dr. Saurabh Jain MBBS, DLO ( E.N.T.specialist )
Dr. Ashok Kumar MBBS, MS ( General Surgery & Urologist )
Dr. Shalabh Jain MBBS, MD ( Radiodiagnosis )


qutub-minar taj-mahal

India is 2nd most populous and 7th largest country in the world.

One-third of world’s scientific manpower hail from India.

Low on cost, high on quality of care with a wide range of treatment available, India is one among the top five medical tourists spots in the world having hosted nearly 1,66,000 medical tourists from across the globe in 2012.

India is well known for her Hospitality the world over. India is Incredible !

Besides India becoming a global healthcare destination in the recent years we are a perfect destination for holidaying too. That is why India attracts more than 3 million tourists from abroad annually. Visit to Taj Mahal- superb marble monument that arouses feelings of romance and love is much more than just the wonder of the world . Agra city is not only a reputed tourist destination but also a shopper’s paradise. Like, ‘Taj’ there are a number of other alluring and awe-inspiring places through the length & breadth of the visiting country.

Medical tourism in India is recognized by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.

Medical professionals on panel of the Company:-
Dr. Sumit Kumar Sharma MSc., Phd
Dr. Ripesh Kumar Kushwaha MD(Physician), PGDUS - FACEE
Dr. Kawal Kumar MBBS, PGDCD

Hospitals / Institutes

The Capital city of Delhi / NCR has a number of reputed Hospitals / Institutes :

– All India Institute of Medical Sciencesambulance-airport
– Medanta Medicity
– Fortis Hospitals
– Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
– Escorts Heart Institute & Research.
– National Heart Institute
– Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital
– Sant Parmanand Hospital
– G.B. Pant Hospital
– Kolmet Hospital
– L.N.J.P.Hospital
– Holy Family
– Bakson’s Homoepathy
– Vasan Eye Care
– P S R I Hospital
– Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Hospital.
– St. Stephen’s Hospital
– Jag Parvesh Chandra Hospital
– Ch. Brahmprakash Ayurvedic Charak Sansthan

Apart from the above there are a number of other reputed hospitals not mentioned here for the sake of brevity.


Medical professionals on panel of the Company:-
Dr. Sidhant Satish Goyal MBBS MCPS ( Orthopedics )
Mr. Deepankar Das BPT, MPT ( Cardio-pulmonary ), MDCP
hospital-doctors hospital-doctors1

ABC Of Health

A After workout go for a bath in lukewarm water to balance body temperature
B Breathe more and live more.
C Consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.
D Daily exercise for 30-40 minutes keeps you healthy and fine.
E Eat at regular hours, slowly and chew thoroughly well.
F Frequent hand-washing is the most cost-effective & simple way to reduce infection.
G Give first attention to fresh air and sunshine.
H Hydrate with lots of water rather than strong tea or coffee.
I Illness many a time comes from carelessness.
J Just avoid overeating, drinking & snacks or sweets between meals.
K Keep your wants few & simple and eat only that food which suits you.
L Lose extra weight, gain energy.
M Make a habit of keeping your bowels moving regularly.
N Never go to bed without brushing your teeth.
O Obey your doctor and consult him often.
P Preservation of health is easier than the cure of disease.
Q Quit smoking to halve risk of heart attack.
R Recipe for good health is ‘forget worries’
S Sleep is a necessity. Rest and sleep for 6 to 8 hours a day.
T Think well your health is better than wealth
U Use of tobacco and liquor is injurious to health.
V Valuable lives can be saved through timely medical advice.
W Walk enough every day. Walking correctly is considered to excel all exercises.
X X-rays and laboratories for the diagnosis are useful advice.
Y Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift.
Z Zero is our life and nil our qualities unless always good health we keep.
quit-smokingQuit Smoking

T.I.H.S. familyT.I.H.S. Family

yogaYoga has its origins in India and has existed for over 5,000 years

Contact Us

Regd. Office : Trans India Health Services
A/C-68, Tagore Garden,
New Delhi-110027
Cell No. : +91-9999 27 3057 ( 24 x 7 )
E-mail id :

              Kindly feel free to share with us, in absolute confidence, all relevant information on patient to serve him / her better to y/our entire satisfaction.

    I) Medical opinion Only.II) Medical opinion + Treatment / Surgery in Delhi or National Capital Region.III) Medical opinion + Treatment / Surgery in Delhi or NCR + Visit to tourist places in the post-recovery period.

    Smt. Darshan Gupta
    Chief Executive



    Disclaimer : The company does not claim any affiliation / tie-up or agreement with any of the hospitals / institutes and without prejudice to the foregoing all claims, disputes and differences if any (in relation to any of the medical services availed) shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Courts in Delhi only.